Our Journey

An arduous journey

When we talked about the architecture of hope in preparation for the project. We didn't know where the journey would take us even before the project started. What would the dynamic between the students be like? What hurdles would await us? What could concrete artistic work in the group look like?

Originally, this process was to be the central motif of the film. As further trips and projects were to be created with the group in the future. The trip to Cordoba served as a prelude and an opportunity to get to know each other. Therefore, the film was initially intended to document the work and encounters.


With this message from the morning of 7 October. The whole project changed in an unimaginable way. After it became clear that the Israeli groups could not fly to Cordoba, and were also in acute danger. Suddenly the whole project was on the brink of collapse. The worry and the feeling of powerlessness were overwhelming. At the same time, we wanted to at least try to revive the idea of the project: namely tolerance and understanding.

Not only for the other participants but also as a sign to the outside world.

a view of a plane wing wing wing wing wing wing wing wing wing wing wing
a view of a plane wing wing wing wing wing wing wing wing wing wing wing

From the Shock to the Film

Hédi Bouden erklärt
Hédi Bouden erklärt

We left Hamburg with heavy thoughts and flew to Madrid. Only to wait for hours at the station for the train. The journey took almost 16 hours, a lot of time in which little was spoken. We kept exchanging messages and talking about the purpose of our journey. The mood seemed confused, not real. Sleepless, we set ourselves the goal of reaching Cordoba. In the hope that the city itself would give us hope for the project again.



Arriving in Cordoba, there was this feeling of relief to have escaped the social tensions to some extent. In our accommodation, our inner courtyard was a safe place. For the first time in two days since the outbreak of war, we were able to talk about our worries, fears and the whole situation. Everyone's feelings were very divided. The overriding question was: what could we really do in concrete terms? How could we set an example for peace? There were so many different feelings, but no real words to express them...

Something happened

A new encounter with the present

To flee from the burden of words. We began to move playfully. Our feelings and impressions of the present and the city. To express them with the body.

We started to develop a code from movements. And to translate a poem using the movements. Which everyone should be able to understand without words.

It should be understandable by everyone in every language.


To Build new Bridges

And because the hatred was getting louder everywhere. We decided not to give in to it. Instead, we decided to do the opposite. To catalyse all our feelings and create something new. Something that might bring some hope to the outside world. With this impulse, we began to record the samples. To push the group further, we cut a short video from the rehearsals.

A new language

In addition to the initial joy of the process. there were great doubts as to whether this performative work could be the right response to current events. The pressure from outside was very great. The news came thick and fast. A flood of information reached us every minute. Terrible pictures and reports of traumatised people. Everywhere people seemed to be losing hope in the good and expressing their hatred in any form.

The reaction of the participants answered the question. Whether a film could be enough, could be the right answer to the war. For the first time since 7 October, everyone was happy. There was a purpose, a task that was now set in motion.



Filming behind the scenes of “Documenting Hope”


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