Who we are?

The Jaffa Theatre in Old Jaffa, TLV, in collaboration with Jewish-Israeli youth from the Shar' Ha'Negev High School in Sderot
(from various kibbutzim in the region).
Almehabash Theatre in Rahat with Arab-Israeli youth from Rahat
(in the Negev).
Helmut Schmidt Gymnasium with the extracurricular initiative "VTUU!" with Hamburg youth
(here in collaboration with monsun.theater on Gaussstraße and the Youth Forum Wilhelmsburg)..

Germany | Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg

Participating youth with immigrant backgrounds, predominantly of Muslim influence (students, former students, activists from the Youth Forum Wilhelmsburg), are empowered to become multipliers.

Through their own biographical experiences and shifts in perspective, they open up new artistic approaches.

Israel | Sderot-Shaar Ha’ Negev

Participating youth with Jewish backgrounds (including the 3rd and 4th generations of Holocaust survivors), students and alumni of the Shaar Ha’ Negev High School, are empowered to become multipliers. Through their own biographical experiences and shifts in perspective, they open up new artistic approaches.

Israel | Rahat and other Villages

Participating youth with Bedouin and Muslim backgrounds, activists from the Desert Stars project, are empowered to become multipliers. Through their own biographical experiences and shifts in perspective, they open up new artistic approaches.

In Germany and Israel, additional opportunities are provided for educators and youth workers to align their historical-political education, Holocaust education, and antiantisemitism work with the needs of a post-migrant society and marginalized groups.

a group of people standing around a stone arch
a group of people standing around a stone arch

In an creative-artistic and aesthetic trialogue, under the guidance of professional artists

from the Jaffa Theatre in Old Jaffa in cooperation with the ShaarÅLHaNegev Highschool and the Almahabesh Theatre in Rahat, as well as the Bedouin Leadership Program Desert Stars,

Jewish and Arab-Israeli youth engage with German youth of migrant-Muslim background in exploring their respective narratives about current conditions and historical contexts.

The focus is on understanding the world from the perspective of others, opening up for new narratives and approaches to decipher and comprehend various societal and historical contexts.

The exploration of historical contexts and the various aspects of remembrance culture are substantiated through collaboration with Yad Vashem in Jerusalem and various memorial Instituts in Germany and Poland.

Through research, conversations with survivors, visits to memorial sites, museums, and initiatives, foundations are laid to use theater, art, and music to write new stories for a shared future, transcending language barriers and national borders.

Hédi Bouden

Hédi Bouden is the initiator of the project. With his renowned project "Why should I care about your history?" he worked with his students and young people from Israel to show the parallels between the migration stories of young Germans and Israelis in order to highlight similarities. For the architectue of hope project, he creates a bridge between the students, artists and the audience. As Creative Director


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